1. "Hello, I'm [your name]. Nice to meet you!"
2. "Can you help me with [task]?"
3. "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said."
4. "Can you repeat that?"
5. "I'm on a call with [person's name]. Can you hold please?"
6. "I'm sorry to hear about [event]."
7. "How may I assist you today?"
8. "I need your [input/information/help] for this task."
9. "I'm looking for a [product/service]. Do you have any recommendations?"
10. "I want to [perform a task/research/find out information]. Can you help me?"
* U(you)
* IM(instant message)
* BRB(be right back,我馬上回來)
* LOL(laugh out loud,大笑)
* KTHX(thanks hun,謝謝)
* RT(really,真的)
* TIA(thanks in advance,提前感謝)
* ASAP(as soon as possible,儘快)
* DM我(direct message,私信我)
* VPN(virtual private network,虛擬專用網路)
* HTML(hypertext markup language,超文本標記語言)
* CSS(cascading style sheets,層疊樣式表)