



1. "Love is like a butterfly. If you keep trapping it, it will die." 愛情就像蝴蝶,如果你一直追捕它,它就會死去。

2. "Love is like a river, it flows where the spirit moves." 愛情就像河流,它流向心靈深處。

3. "Love is like a game of tug-of-war, where each person is trying to pull you closer." 愛情就像一場拔河比賽,每個人都在努力拉近彼此的距離。

4. "Love is like a seed that needs to be nurtured and cared for to grow." 愛情就像一顆種子,需要呵護和照顧才能茁壯成長。

5. "Love is patient and kind; love is never jealous or boastful." 愛情是耐心和善良的,它永遠不會嫉妒或自誇。

6. "Love is not about what you get back, but what you give." 愛情不是你得到了什麼,而是你付出了什麼。

7. "Love is like the sun, it warms you up from the inside out." 愛情就像太陽,它從內到外溫暖你。
