



I am grateful for the opportunities you have given me. 我感激你給我的機會。

Thank you for your kindness and support. 感謝你的善良和支持。

Your friendship means a lot to me. 你的友誼對我意義重大。

I appreciate the time we've spent together. 我珍惜我們一起度過的時光。

Your encouragement has helped me overcome challenges. 你的鼓勵幫助我克服了挑戰。

I am thankful for the lessons you have taught me. 我感謝你教給我的教訓。

Thank you for being there for me, no matter what. 謝謝你無論何時都在那裡支持我。

Your love and care are what keep me going. 你的愛和關心是我前進的動力。

I am forever grateful for the memories we've made together. 我永遠感激我們一起創造的回憶。

Thank you for believing in me, even when I doubted myself. 謝謝你相信我,即使我自己懷疑過。
