



* 感恩是極好的美德,足以布滿世界。

Thank you is a great virtue, enough to cover the world.

* 感恩是極有回報的,種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。

Thank you is a very rewarding, planting a melon gets a melon, planting a bean gets a bean.

* 感恩是世界上最美好的東西,也是世界上最孤獨的東西。

Gratefulness is the most beautiful thing in the world, and also the loneliest thing in the world.

* 感恩,不僅是一種心態,更是一種美德。

Gratefulness is not only a state of mind, but also a virtue.

* 謝謝你們的付出,我們才能過得這么好。

Thank you for your efforts, we can live so well.

* 我永遠感恩世界贈予我看到的每一處風景。

I am forever grateful for the world for giving me every scenery I have seen.

* 感恩是一種美好的情感,我們要學會感恩。

Gratefulness is a beautiful emotion, we should learn to be grateful.

* 感恩的心,感謝有你。

Grateful heart, thank you for you.

* 感恩的心,感謝有你陪伴我走過每一段路程。

Grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me through every stage of the journey.