* 感謝你的出現,填滿我所有世界。 Thank you for appearing, filling all my world.
* 感謝那些一直陪伴你的人,不離不棄。 Thank those who have been beside you all along, unwavering.
* 感謝那些在我失魂落魄時同我談天說地的人。 Thank those who talk to me when I am lost and desolate.
* 感謝有你,讓我覺得不在孤單。 Thank you for being here, making me feel less alone.
* 感謝有你,伴我一生一世。 Thank you for accompanying me through life.
* 感謝你,不管什麼時候,你都會陪在我身邊。 Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what.
* 感謝所有支持我的人,沒有你們就沒有我的今天。 Thank you to all those who have supported me, without you, I would not be where I am today.
* 感謝那些一直在我身邊從未離開過的人。 Thank those who have been beside me and never left.