* 戰爭是地獄之子,和平是人間嚮往。戰爭是殘酷的,和平是美好的。我們嚮往和平,但也要為和平提供武裝,用武裝捍衛和平。War is the child of hell, peace is the longing of mankind. War is cruel, peace is beautiful. We long for peace, but we must also provide for it, defend it with arms to safeguard it.
* 兵民是勝利之本。The essential for victory is the nation's people, their strength and spirit, not its army alone.
* 戰爭是生活中最不愉快的經歷之一。War is one of the most unpleasant experiences in life.
* 決定性的一剎那是一切事情的關鍵。The decisive moment is the key to everything.
* 在戰爭中學習戰爭。To learn about war is to learn about life.
* 沒有永恆的敵人,也沒有永恆的朋友,只有永恆的利益。There are no permanent enemies, nor permanent friends, only permanent interests.
* 好的將領就是在戰場上剩到最後的人。A good general is the one who survives the battlefield.