在英語中,"擊斃"可以表達為"shot dead","killed",或者"executed"。以下是一些例句:
Two alleged collaborators were shot dead by masked activists. 兩名涉嫌通敵者被蒙面的激進分子擊斃。
The kidnapper was shot dead then and there by the armed policeman. 綁架者被武裝警察當時當地擊斃。
He was shot to death. 他被擊斃。
The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest. 該男子在其住宅外拒捕時被擊斃。
The activists were shot when they refused to obey an order to halt. 這些激進分子因拒不服從停止前進的命令而被擊斃。
But Kennedy has never been Scarlett's little love, in such circumstances, the second was killed for her, unfortunately, caused the death. 但甘迺迪卻從未得到過斯嘉麗的一點愛,在這樣的情況下,為了她二被人擊斃,不幸枉死。
The ringleader was shot to death in a gun battle. 主犯在槍戰中被擊斃。
The robber was shot dead by the policeman. 那強盜被警察擊斃了。
He resisted arrest and was killed. 他抗拒逮捕而被擊斃。
The robber was shot dead resisting arrest. 強盜因拒捕而被擊斃。