* 放開雙手,收穫的將是整個世界。 Let go, and the world will be yours.
* 不要因為一段結束而淚流滿面,勇敢地放手,去迎接新的開始。 Don't cry because of a ending, be brave and let go, to greet a new beginning.
* 放手,讓愛自由。 Let go, let love freely soar.
* 有些事情,我們放手就好。 Some things, we just let go.
* 有些事情,我們只有放手。 Some things, we just have to let go.
* 生命中的某些事情,唯有放手。 Some things in life, only to let go.
* 別害怕放手去愛,因為最愛你的人總會陪著你。 Don't be afraid to let go and love, because the person who loves you the most will always be with you.