



* 你若有心,莫和我離分。 You have有心, don't leave me.

* 遇見你,是我最美麗的意外。 Meeting you is the most beautiful unexpected thing.

* 我不管別人怎樣評價,我只要自己無愧於心。 I don't care what others think, as long as I am not ashamed of myself.

* 世界這么大,我想去看看你。 There is so much in this world, I want to see you.

* 你是我此生遇見過的,最美的風景。 You are the most beautiful scenery I have ever met in my life.

* 你是我此生無法預見的春暖花開。 You are the spring warmth I can't foresee in my life.

* 你是我心中的那首唱不完的歌。 You are the endless song in my heart.

* 我愛你,從這裡一直到太陽落下影子相交。 I love you, from here to the sunset where the shadows meet.

* 你是我今生的新娘。 You are the Bride of my life.
