* 真正的朋友不分年齡,不分男女,卻與距離和時間有光。Friends do not discriminate between age, gender, but only differentiate based on distance and time.
* 朋友不是書,它比書更絢麗;朋友不是歌,它比歌更動聽。Friends are not books, they are more beautiful than books, and they are not songs, they are more melodious.
* 真正的朋友,在你獲得成功的時候,為你高興,而不捧場;在你遇到不幸或悲傷的時候,會給你及時的支持和鼓勵;在你有缺點可能犯錯誤的時候,會給你正確的批評和幫助。Real friends are happy for you when you achieve success, without applauding; they will give you timely support and encouragement when you encounter difficulties or sorrow; when you have weaknesses and may make mistakes, they will give you correct criticism and help.
* 世間最美好的東西,莫過於有幾個頭腦和心地都很正直的朋友。The best thing in the world is having a few friends who have both頭腦 and heart that are honest and upright.