1. "明天的你,一定會感謝今天努力拚搏的自己。"
"Tomorrow, you will surely be grateful for the hardworking self you made today."
2. "如果你想被別人尊重,首先你要尊重自己"
"If you want to be respected by others, you must respect yourself first."
3. "我22歲就開始做批發,我全部自己包裝,自己運送,用卡片寫上每一樣貨品是幾時生產的、何時到香港的,一切自己做好。我當它是學歷,這樣磨練是對我有幫助的。"
"I started doing wholesale business when I was 22 years old. I packaged all the goods myself and delivered them myself. I wrote on a card when each item was produced and arrived in Hong Kong. I did all this myself. I treated this as academic experience. This kind of training helped me."