1. "A mother's love is like a circle, it has no beginning or end."
2. "A mother's love is like a river that never ends."
3. "A mother's love is a pure and selfless sacrifice that surpasses all boundaries."
4. "A mother's love is a gift from God that never fades."
5. "A mother's love is a bond that unites two hearts, forever."
6. "A mother's love is the greatest gift of all."
7. "A mother's love never fails, it never sleeps, it never ages, and it never dies."
8. "She gave birth to you, but not to you; she raised you, but not to you; she loved you, but not for you; she cared for you, but not in you; she protected you, but not over you; she was with you, but not of you."
9. "The most powerful force in the universe is the love a mother has for her child."