* 生存還是毀滅,這是個問題。(To be, or not to be, that is the question.)
* 疑心生暗鬼。(Suspicion will brew terrible monsters.)
* 虛有其表。(Beauty is but skin deep.)
* 習慣形成性格,性格決定命運。(Habit forms character, and character determines destiny.)
* 人生如痴人說夢,充滿著喧譁與騷動,卻沒有任何意義。(Life is like a dream, full of noise and commotion, without any meaning.)
* 黑夜無論怎樣悠長,白晝總會到來。(No matter how long the night may be, day will always come.)
* 我承認變幻無常和率真坦率並不一定是天公地道的美德。要是像黃鼠狼一樣貪婪而黃鼠狼一樣狠毒的是那張嘴巴的主人。那個凡是見面熟,每個秘密都得知道,凡事都願意大肆傳播的人是多么可厭、多么令人憎惡!唉!這個我最怕見到生人的城市是如此讓人難以忍受,實在不是避難的好地方。(Variety is no evil, nor is openness and sincerity always virtues. If you have a greedy and venomous mouth like a ferret, one who is fond of getting to know people and spreading everything to the world is so hateful and detestable! Alas! The city where I am most afraid of meeting strangers is so unbearable that it is not a good place to seek refuge.)