* “你所說的每一句話,都將作為呈堂證供。”(“Every word you say will be used as evidence in court.”)
* “你有權保持沉默,但你所說的一切都將被調查。”(“You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be subject to investigation.”)
* “你有不在場證明嗎?”(“Do you have an alibi?”)
* “你能向我保證你的證詞是真的嗎?”(“Can you assure me that your testimony is truthful?”)
* “我們有證據可以指控你犯了罪。”(“We have evidence to charge you with the crime.”)
* “如果你想不起案件的細節,可以請求記憶催眠。”(“If you can't remember the details of the case, you can request memory hypnosis.”)