1. “我們的目標是要在今年內完成這項任務。”
"Our goal is to complete this task within this year."
2. “明確目標並為之努力是成功的關鍵。”
"Clearing goals and working towards them is the key to success."
3. “目標明確,才能勇往直前。”
"With clear goals, one can move forward with courage."
4. “設定目標並堅持不懈地追求它,是實現夢想的關鍵。”
"Setting goals and pursuing them relentlessly is the key to realizing dreams."
5. “目標是引導我們前行的燈塔,沒有目標的人生是迷茫的。”
"Goals are the lighthouses that guide us forward. A life without goals is迷茫的."
6. “我們的目標是在比賽中取得優勝。”
"Our goal is to win the competition."
7. “明確的目標使我們能夠克服困難,勇往直前。”
"Clear goals enable us to overcome difficulties and move forward bravely."