* 人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道下一顆是什麼味道。 (Life is like an box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.)。
* 友誼就像小汽車一樣,需要不斷磨合。 (Friendship is like a car, it needs constant adjustment.)
* 夢想是值得每個孩子勇敢去追求的東西。 (Dreams are something that every child should pursue bravely.)
* 勇氣是一種力量,它能讓你的心靈變得更強大。 (Courage is a kind of strength that can make your soul stronger.)
* 友誼是人生中最寶貴的財富,我們應該好好珍惜它。 (Friendship is the most precious wealth in life, and we should cherish it well.)
* 面對困難時,要學會堅強,相信沒有什麼可以打倒你。 (When facing difficulties, learn to be strong and believe that nothing can knock you down.)