



1. "Marriage is not about finding a perfect partner, but learning to accept each other's imperfections."

2. "Love conquers all, but marriage requires more than just love."

3. "True marriage is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding."

4. "Happiness in marriage depends not on external circumstances, but on the state of the heart."

5. "Marriage is not a destination, but a journey of growth and understanding."

6. "True companionship is found in the marriage bed, not just sexual compatibility."

7. "Marriage is not about living together, but about sharing life's joys and sorrows together."

8. "Love and companionship are the foundations of a happy marriage."

9. "Marriage is not a contract, but a commitment to grow together and to love unconditionally."

10. "Marriage is not about finding the perfect partner, but about accepting each other and becoming better people together."
