* "In the face of hopelessness, it's easy to give up hope."(面對絕望,很容易失去希望。)
* "In the face of despair, we must cling to the hope of tomorrow."(面對絕望,我們必須緊握明天的希望。)
* "When you feel hopeless, remember that there is always something you can do to make a difference."(當你感到絕望時,記住總有一些事情你可以做來改變現狀。)
* "When things seem hopeless, remember that tomorrow is a new day."(當事情看起來無望時,記住明天是新的一天。)
* "When you feel defeated by hopelessness, remember that you are not alone, and there is always someone willing to help you out of the darkness."(當你感到被絕望所擊敗時,記住你不是孤單的,總有人願意幫助你走出黑暗。)
* "The most important thing in life is not to be defeated by hopelessness, but to keep going and never give up."(生命中最重要的事情不是被絕望所擊敗,而是要堅持下去,永不放棄。)