* 緣份是本書,一翻開就有人為你寫,有人為你讀。 Destiny is a book, once opened, someone writes for you, someone reads for you.
* 假如注定有緣份,就讓我在夢的路口多等你一次。 If fate is destined to have a relationship, let me wait for you another time at the intersection of my dreams.
* 相遇是一種緣,相識更是一種緣。 Meeting is a kind of fate, getting to know each other is even more fate.
* 錯過是緣份,珍惜才是幸福。 Missing out is fate, cherishing is happiness.
* 緣分是前世感情的延續,緣分是此生輪迴的開端。 Fate is the continuation of emotional feelings in the previous life, and fate is the beginning of輪迴 in this life.
* 緣份有時就像大海里的珍珠,稍縱即逝。 Fate sometimes is like a pearl in the sea, fleeting.