1. "Friendship is like a river, steady and calm, yet deep and full."
2. "A true friend is the one who reaches out a hand to you when you fall, even if they can't pull you up themselves."
3. "Friendship is like a flower that grows and blooms with time and care."
4. "A friend in need is a friend indeed."
5. "True friendship is like a candle, it lights up the world."
6. "Friendship is a bond that unites us to others, and it never grows old."
7. "Friendship is a treasure that should be cherished and nurtured."
8. "It's the little moments that matter, when someone goes out of their way to make you feel cared for."
9. "You never really know how much a friend cares until you need them."
10. "A true friend sticks by you, even when things get tough."