英文寓言故事:The Farmer and the Snake
Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived on a farm. One day, he found a snake slithering around his yard and decided to tie it up. He did this because he had a deep-seated fear of snakes, which he had been taught by his parents and the media.
However, as he was tying the snake up, it pleaded with him to release it, saying that it wouldn't harm him in any way. But the farmer was too scared to listen to the snake's pleas, and he continued to tie it up.
After a while, the snake managed to wriggle free and slither away. But before it did, it turned back and bit the farmer on the ankle. The farmer screamed in pain and ran back to his house, where he sought medical attention.
The moral of this story is that we should not judge others based solely on their appearance or reputation. We should always try to understand their true nature before making a decision about whether or not we can trust them. It's important to be open-minded and not let fear dictate our actions.