Title: A Tiny Wish
Once upon a time, there was a little sparrow named Peter and a butterfly named Alice. They lived in a small forest together and were always playing and exploring.
One day, Alice found a beautiful shiny jewel and she gave it to Peter as a gift. It was a special jewel that could grant one small wish every day.
Peter was very happy with his new treasure and he immediately wished for more food to share with Alice. The next day, they found an abundance of food and they both had a wonderful feast.
Over time, the jewel’s power grew stronger and stronger, giving them all sorts of adventures and experiences. But the wishes they made were always about each other and their love for each other.
One day, a fierce storm came and the forest was filled with lightning and thunder. Peter and Alice were scared and lost, but they found each other and comforted each other. Peter wished that they would always be together, no matter what.
And so, the jewel’s power finally ran out. But it had been a wonderful journey filled with love, adventure, and happiness. And even though they didn’t have the jewel anymore, they still had each other and their memories of all the wonderful wishes they had made together.
The moral of the story is that true love is stronger than any magic jewel and it can bring happiness even in the most challenging times.