"Recently, I have read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel "the old man and the sea", which left a deep impression on me. The novel depicts a near-old fisherman, who sets out on a single out to sea fishing trip, caught a big fish, but was unable to pull it in. The old fisherman and the fish fought for several days, during which time a few group of sharks attacked the fish, drawing its scent. Despite knowing that it would be a hard battle to win, the old fisherman refused to give up. In the end, he managed to bring the big fish back to the fishing port, where he was admired by the other fishermen. This novel taught me the importance of perseverance and the will to succeed, even in the face of great odds. It inspired me to reflect on my own life and the challenges I have faced, and to realize that I, too, must have the same unremitting spirit to overcome difficulties and achieve success."