


以下是一個3分鐘英文故事,故事題目是“The Adventures of a Little Mouse”:

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who loved to explore new places and have fun adventures. One day, he decided to venture into a forest full of interesting creatures. He met a friendly squirrel who taught him some survival skills and showed him the way.

As the little mouse continued his journey, he encountered various challenges, including a hungry snake and a group of angry birds. But he never gave up and always found a way to overcome his obstacles.

Finally, he reached the other side of the forest and discovered a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and butterflies. He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life and decided to make it his new home.

Now, the little mouse lives happily in his new meadow and shares his adventures with all the other creatures who come to visit him. He teaches them to never give up and always have fun in life, no matter what challenges they face.
