* 朋友是一輩子的`財富。Friends are wealth for life.
* 真正的朋友之間是不用千言萬語的。There is no need for fancy words between true friends.
* 人生最美好的東西,莫過於有幾個頭腦和你一樣的朋友。The best thing in life is having a few friends who have brains like you.
* 你的朋友必須能夠明白你的東西不夠,而不是你要謙虛,這樣你們就可以平等地在一起玩樂了。Your friend should understand that your things are not enough, not that you should be humble, so that you can play together equally.
* 友誼是一種相互吸引的感情,因為它可以使我們充滿希望。Friendship is a mutual attraction of emotions that fills us with hope.
* 朋友是你送給自己的一份禮物。A friend is a gift that you give yourself.
* 最好的朋友就是那些能夠最直接地告訴你真相的人。The best friend is the one who can tell you the truth directly.
* 真正的朋友是你對他們的言行舉止都很理解的人。A true friend is someone who understands your words and actions.