* 畢業是一扇玻璃窗,我們要撞碎它,才能到達世界!
"Graduation is like a glass window, we have to smash it to reach the world!"
* 親愛的母校,是您給了我們理想和理想,我們將永遠感謝您。
"Dear alma mater, it was you who gave us ideals and aspirations, we will always be grateful."
* 畢業了,看著你遠去的背影,我把祝福裝裱在相框裡,風乾了一段年華。卻失散了那些回憶,沉甸甸的鋪滿的時光里,是同學間的歡樂與淚滴。
"Graduated, as you leave, I will frame my blessings and dry out the memories. The heavy weight of time, full of joy and tears between classmates."
* 畢業了,一切都將結束,想要忘記的是學校的那份沉重。
"Graduated, everything will come to an end. What I want to forget is the weight of the school."
* 畢業了,青春在無形之中離去,我們即將翻開人生的新篇章。
"Graduated, youth stealthily leaves our hearts, we are about to turn the page of our life and start a new chapter."
* 畢業了,卻忘不了教室、那張桌椅、這間教室和這些曾經並肩的朋友。
"Graduated, but I still can't forget the classroom, those desks and chairs, this classroom and these friends who once stood shoulder to shoulder."
* 畢業了,而我的字典不再允許悲傷的存在。
"Graduated, and my dictionary no longer allows the existence of sorrow."