


故事標題: The Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little steam engine named Train 54. He was a kind and brave little engine who loved to help the passengers on his route reach their destinations.

One cold winter day, the weather became extremely icy and the snow was falling heavily. All the other engines on the line were afraid to make the trip up the steep mountain, but Train 54 knew he had to go.

He gathered all his courage and began to push against the snow with his wheels. It was hard work, but he kept going, with his whistle blowing loudly and his firebox blazing.

As he pushed and pushed, he began to feel stronger and stronger. He thought to himself, "I can do it! I am a little engine that could!" And with that, he finally made it to the top of the mountain.

Everyone on the train was amazed to see him arrive, and they praised him for his bravery and determination. From then on, Train 54 became a legend in his community, a symbol of courage and perseverance.

And so, every time he heard his whistle blow, everyone knew that they could rely on him to get them where they needed to go, no matter what the obstacles were.

That's the story of the little engine that could. He taught us all that with courage and determination, we can overcome any obstacle in our way.
