“受験”在英語中可以翻譯為“take the exam”,意思是參加考試。具體的翻譯和使用語境會根據上下文的不同而有所變化。以下是一些有關受験的名言:
1. “It is not the degree to which one can excel but the degree to which one tries that matters in examinations.”(在考試中,重要的不是一個人能夠多出色,而是他嘗試的程度。)
2. “Exams are just a test, real knowledge is beyond them.”(考試僅僅是一個測試,真正的知識超越了考試。)
3. “Attitude is everything in exams. If you have a positive one, you are already halfway there.”(在考試中,態度決定一切。如果你有積極的態度,那么你已經成功了一半。)
4. “Believe in yourself and your abilities; without this, exams become a self-fulfilling prophecy.”(相信自己和自己的能力,沒有這一點,考試就會變成一個自我實現的預言。)