1. "好的開始是成功的一半。" 英語表達:A good beginning is half done.
2. "千里之行,始於足下。" 英語表達:The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
3. "逆水行舟,不進則退。" 英語表達:When afloat on a challenging stream, you have to make headway or sink.
4. "山不厭高,海不厭深。" 英語表達:Mountains cannot disdain high hills, and the sea never loses depth.
5. "言不信者,行不果。" 英語表達:Those who speak falsely, act without success.
6. "勤奮是通往成功的必由之路。" 英語表達:Diligence is the only path to success.
7. "知識就是力量。" 英語表達:Knowledge is power.
8. "行動勝於空談。" 英語表達:Actions speak louder than words.
9. "友誼是人生最寶貴的財富之一。" 英語表達:Friendship is one of the most precious treasures in life.
10. "困難是成長的機會。" 英語表達:Adversity is an opportunity to grow.