1. "人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。"
"Since ancient times, who in life does not die? Let me leave behind a pure heart to illuminate my record."
2. "以青春之我,創造青春之家庭,青春之國家,青春之民族,青春之人類。"
"With youthful vigor, create a youthful family, youthful nation, youthful people, and youthful world."
3. "世界是一幅巨大的畫卷,你只是剛剛打開了第一折。"
"The world is a grand scroll, and you have just opened the first chapter."
4. "風雨過後,必有彩虹。"
"After the storms, there will be rainbows."
5. "不忘初心,方得始終。"
"Not to forget the original aspiration, in order to achieve the end result."
6. "人生就像一場戲,因為有緣才相聚。"
"Life is like a play, because it is fate to meet."
7. "無論前方如何坎坷,我們都要堅持走下去。"
"No matter how bumpy the road ahead is, we must persevere and keep walking."
8. "時間會證明一切,而我們要做的就是把握好每一刻。"
"Time will prove everything, and what we need to do is to seize every moment well."
9. "山不過來,我就過去,把山搬過來。"
"If the mountain won't come to me, I'll go to the mountain and move it."
10. "無論路有多遠,只要堅持下去,總會到達目的地。"
"No matter how far the road is, as long as you persist, you will eventually reach your destination."