1. My goal is to gain as much knowledge as possible and to help people as much as I can. (我的目標儘可能地獲得更多的知識,並儘可能地幫助人們。)
2. I feel that even if we survive a nuclear war, we will not be able to continue living as we do now. (我覺得,即使我們能夠從核戰爭中生存下來,我們也無法像現在這樣繼續生活。)
3. In a thousand years, the sun will have expanded and engulfed our planet. (一千年後,太陽會膨脹併吞並我們的星球。)
4. Although I have been given a clean bill of health, I have always been aware that it could change at any time. (雖然我一直在接受體檢,但我一直意識到它可能會在任何時候改變。)
5. It is essential that we try to protect our planet and reduce our carbon footprint on the environment. (我們努力保護我們的星球並減少我們對環境的碳排放量是至關重要的。)
6. Although the world is a dangerous place, it is our responsibility to make it a better place. (雖然世界是一個危險的地方,但讓世界變得更美好是我們的責任。)
7. It is essential to find ways to deal with global warming and climate change. (解決全球變暖和氣候變化問題是至關重要的。)