* 青春就是瘋狂地奔跑,然後華麗地跌倒。 Youth is running recklessly and then falling splendidly.
* 青春不是年華而是心境。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝而是深沉的意志、恢容的想像、炙熱的感情。Youth is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips, and supple knees, but the firm will, creative imagination, and warm emotions.
* 青春是一個短暫的美夢。當你醒來時,它早已消失無蹤。Youth is a brief dream. When you wake up, it has already disappeared.
* 青春在沉默中逝去,留下的是支離破碎的回憶。Youth fades away in silence, leaving only fragmented memories.
* 青春是一本太倉促的書,我們含著淚,一讀再讀。Youth is a book too hastily read. We cry, and we reread it again and again.
* 青春是打開了就合不上的書。Youth is a book that once opened cannot be closed.