他很清楚這個問題,He was well aware of the problem。
我們充分意識到危險,We are fully aware of the dangers。
她完全了解了我的想法,She was fully aware of my thoughts。
他越來越清楚地認識到引起緊張局勢的原因,He became more aware of the things that started that tension off。
他一定已經知道我父母的婚姻即將破裂,He must have been aware that my parents' marriage was breaking up。
有時候我們沒有意識到這些情感,Sometimes we are not consciously aware of these feelings。
我都不知道他生病了,I wasn't even aware that he was ill。
你當時意識到危險了嗎,Were you aware of the risks at the time?
我突然意識到他在看著我,I suddenly became aware of him looking at me。