"Beauty is not something that exists only in the outside world, it's something that exists in your soul."(美麗不僅僅是存在於外在的世界,它更存在於你的靈魂。)
"A woman should be two things, herself and her hairbrush."(一個女人應該擁有兩樣東西,她自己和她的一把刷子。)
"Makeup is the art of using cosmetics to enhance one's natural beauty."(化妝就是運用化妝品來增強自然美的藝術。)
"You don't make money on looks, you make money on the skin."(你不能靠外表賺錢,你靠皮膚賺錢。)
"Be elegant. Be yourself."(要優雅,做你自己。)