Ryle accepted more out of curiosity than anything else,意思是賴爾更多的是出於好奇才同意的。
There is much to see in the way of castles, curiosities, and museums,意思是你可以看到很多城堡、奇珍異品和博物館。
To satisfy our own curiosity we traveled to Baltimore,意思是為了滿足好奇心,我們去了巴爾的摩。
Reed International is a curiosity in the international world of publishing,意思是里德國際公司是國際出版界的一朵奇葩。
I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity,意思是我很欽佩父親,並對他的工作充滿了敬畏和好奇。
What causes her to have the curiosity to go backstage?,意思是是什麼讓她有好奇心去後台。
Dr Engelmann had filed the scrap of wild vine away as a curiosity,意思是恩格爾曼博士將這一段野藤蔓存檔,視為珍寶。
The curiosity of the object is very great, if not perhaps sufficient to warrant the effort that went into obtaining it,意思是這件物品非常稀奇,就算沒那麼稀奇,費這麼大的力氣得到它可能也是值得的。
My grandfather had collected little curiosities on his travels,意思是我祖父在旅行途中收集了一些稀罕的小玩意兒。
He couldn't restrain his curiosity,意思是他無法抑制他的好奇心。