

english short story英文故事

英文故事:The lost key

Once upon a time, there was a young man named John who lived alone in a big city. One day, he went out for a walk and lost his keys. He searched everywhere but couldn't find them. He was worried because he had to get into his house to get his phone and call his family.

Just then, a kind-hearted old lady named Mrs. Smith saw him struggling and came over to help. She asked him if he had lost anything and he told her about the lost keys. She suggested that they search together and they soon found the keys in a nearby park.

John was very grateful and asked Mrs. Smith if she would like to come inside his house for a cup of tea. She accepted his invitation and they had a lovely chat while enjoying some delicious tea and homemade cookies.

Afterwards, John gave Mrs. Smith his spare key and they became good friends. They often met up for tea and chat, and John always looked forward to her company.

In conclusion, this story teaches us that kindness and compassion can go a long way in helping others in need. It also shows that it's always rewarding to be kind to others, especially when it leads to meaningful friendships and relationships.