She is compelling, spectral, fascinating, an unforgettably unique performer. 她的表演很有吸引力,如鬼魅一般,令人著迷,令人難忘,是一個獨特的演員。
The local history of the area is fascinating. 這個地區的歷史很有意思。
I find it a great way to unwind during the summer break and what keeps me coming back to it are the anecdotes, fascinating anecdotes, that give you glimpses into the artist's private lives, their dreams, their fears, their virtues, their vices. 它幫助我在炎炎夏日放鬆下來,讓我不斷回讀它的是它裡面的奇聞異事,吸引人的奇聞異事,讓我們得以一窺藝術家的私人生活,他們的夢想,他們的恐懼,他們的美德和罪惡。