The bottle is full of water. 瓶子裡裝滿了水。
The train was crowded to its full capacity. 火車上乘客擠得滿滿的。
My cup is full. 我的杯子滿了。
The case is full; I can't pack any more clothes in. 這箱子已裝滿,我塞不進更多的衣服了。
This case is full; I can't fit any more in. 這個箱子已經裝滿了,我再也放不進任何東西了。
The troops were placed on full alert. 部隊處於全面戒備狀態。
Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的詩里用了很多晦澀的文學典故。
She gave the police a full account of the incident. 她把事件向警方作了詳細敘述。