

nick vujicic金句english

Nick Vujicic的金句有:

* Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.(成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的,繼續挑戰才是最重要的。)

* Life is a game of moments. Your job is to create the good ones.(生活就是由一個個的瞬間組成,你的工作就是創造美好的瞬間。)

* You don't have to be negative to be strong. Being positive doesn't mean you won't feel pain, it just means you won't let it defeat you.(堅強並不意味著你要是個負面的人,保持積極並不意味著你不會感到痛苦,只是意味著你不會被它擊倒。)

* Success is not in how much you have, where you are, or what you do. Success is how you react to limitations. (成功不在於你擁有多少、在哪裡或做什麼。成功在於你對限制的反應。)

* I don't believe in failure. But I do believe in trying something and it not working out.(我不相信失敗,但我相信嘗試某事而沒有結果。)

以上就是Nick Vujicic的一些經典語錄,希望對您有所幫助。