「promote」常用於表示提升或晉升到更高級別的職位或地位,如「He was promoted to manager after displaying outstanding performance」。
「promote」可用於促進或推動某些事情的發展,如「The movie promotion beyond the borders of the country was handled by a separate team」。
「promote」可用於表示通過某種活動來提升或推廣,如「The company promotes forward the cause of peace and justice」。
「promote」可用於表示促進或維護某些利益或權益,如「The government is promoting the interests of the people」。
「promote」可用於表示促進經濟成長,如「promote economic growth policies」。
「promote」可用於表示促進或維護環境保護,如「You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth」。
「promote」可用於表示促進或維護健康,如「Good listening can show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship」。