


如果您已經知道如何做到這一點,你可以跳過這一部分。 If you already know how to do this, you can skip this part.

如果你已經有一個需要集成圖表的應用程式,你可以跳過這部分,然後直接進入下一個部分,下個部分將會闡述如何將圖表和應用程式集成在一起。 If you already have an application in which you have to integrate charts, then you can skip this part and go directly to the next part.

如果是的話則跳過到循環的下個疊代。 If so, skip to the next iteration of the loop.

我建議我們跳到議程的最後一項。 I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.

她一再轉換談話的話題。 She kept skipping from one topic of conversation to another.

她沒有付帳就溜走了。 She skipped out without paying her bill.