

the beach金句

以下是The Beach相關的金句:

* The beach is not the place to get naked. It's a place for peace and relaxation. (海灘不是裸體之地,是尋求寧靜與放鬆的場所。)

* You have to let go at some point. Life is about progress, not regression.(你總得放手,生活就是進步,不是原地踏步。)

* Love may not always find you ready, but it always finds a way. (愛情或許不會讓你時刻準備著,但它總能找到出路。)

* The beach is the best place to unwind and forget about all the troubles of the world. (海灘是放鬆身心,忘卻世間煩惱的絕佳之地。)

* The beach is a beautiful place, but it's not perfect. (海灘是個美麗的地方,但並不完美。)

* The beach is a great place to enjoy the sunset and talk about your future together. (海灘是欣賞日落,暢談未來理想的好地方。)
