以下是一些可以從“the bucket list”中借鑑的佳句:
1. “The bucket list is not just about checking things off. It's about seizing the day, savoring every moment, and making the most of every opportunity.”
2. “The true beauty of the bucket list is that it's a journey, not a destination.”
3. “Life is too short to leave unfinished tasks on your bucket list.”
4. “The bucket list is about making memories, not checking things off a list.”
5. “The best way to make your bucket list dreams come true is to be open to new experiences and opportunities.”
6. “Life is full of surprises, so make sure to seize the day and cross things off your bucket list.”
7. “Your bucket list should be filled with experiences you'll always remember, not just checkmarks.”
8. “Make your bucket list a living document, adding to it as life unfolds.”