1. Albert Einstein: "I am confident that in the development of our sciences and our culture, we should constantly strive to raise humanitarian standards, not least in our relations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe."
2. Martin Luther King, Jr.: "The greatest victim of our time in Africa has been the human spirit, which, by reason of種族歧視, has been constrained to shrivel up and die in millions of African hearts."
3. Mother Teresa: "The greatest destroyer of peace in the world today is intolerance, the willful refusal to acknowledge the rights of others to exist, think, speak, and worship as they see fit."
4. Mahatma Gandhi: "I am an Indian at heart, even though I have lived away from India for many years. My message is simple: the dignity of the individual has to be preserved. We have to recognize that all human beings are endowed with equal dignity."