



1. "一日之計在於晨" - "The day's plan lies in the morning."

2. "讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神" - "Reading ten thousand books and writing with inspiration."

3. "人無遠慮,必有近憂" - "If a person does not consider the long-term, there will be immediate concerns."

4. "知己知彼,百戰不殆" - "Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without fear."

5. "不入虎穴,焉得虎子" - "How can you catch a tiger's cub without entering its den?"

6. "天下無難事,只怕有心人" - "There is no difficult task in the world that cannot be accomplished by a determined person."

7. "千里之行,始於足下" - "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

8. "盛年不重來,一日難再晨" - "The prime of life does not come again, and a single day is not easy to repeat."
