



1. 失敗乃成功之母 Failure is the mother of success.

2. 時間就是金錢 Time is money.

3. 讀萬卷書,行萬里路 Read a thousand books and travel a thousand miles.

4. 失之東隅,收之桑榆 Misfortune may be at the east, but fortune may be at the west.

5. 勤能補拙 Industry beats idleness.

6. 己所不欲,勿施於人 Don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself.

7. 熟能生巧 Practice makes perfect.

8. 勇者無懼 Fear has no place among brave hearts.

9. 人無遠慮,必有近憂 One who does not plan for the distant future will have immediate concerns.

10. 靜以修身,儉以養德 Calmness cultivates the mind, frugality nurtures virtue.
