1. 黑髮不知勤學早,白首方悔讀書遲。——《勸學》 Chinese Proverb: "One who scorns learning in youth will regret it in old age."
2. 書籍是人類進步的階梯。——高爾基 Russian Proverb: "Books are the ladder of human progress."
3. 百聞不如一見,百見不如一乾。——《漢書》 Chinese Proverb: "A hundred hearsays are not as good as one sight, a hundred sights are not as good as one's own experience."
4. 人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。——文天祥《過零丁洋》 Chinese Proverb: "Who among us will not die in ancient times? Let my pure heart illuminate the annals."
5. 青春就是力量,它使得我們的信念、我們的決心更加堅強。——席勒 German Proverb: "Youth is strength, it makes our beliefs and our determination even stronger."
6. 時間就像海綿里的水,只要願擠,總還是有的。——魯迅 Chinese Proverb: "Time is like water in a sponge, it is always there as long as you are willing to squeeze it."
7. 江山易改,本性難移。——中國諺語 Chinese Proverb: "Changes in the landscape are easy, but changes in one's nature are difficult."
8. 機會只留給有準備的人。——古希臘諺語 Greek Proverb: "Opportunities only go to those who are prepared."
9. 成功的路上沒有掌聲,因為成功是克服了種種困難後所收穫的果實。——古羅馬諺語 Roman Proverb: "There is no applause on the road to success, because success is the fruit of overcoming various difficulties."