* Philosophy is the art of the possible and the pursuit of the impossible. ——哲學是可能的藝術和追求不可能事物的追求。
* Philosophy is the imitation of nature for the sake of living. ——哲學是為了生活而模仿自然。
* Philosophy is the imitation of thought for the sake of thought. ——哲學是思想的自我模仿。
* Philosophy is a voyage of discovery of one's own thoughts. ——哲學是發現自我思想的航行。
* The end justifies the means, that is philosophy. ——目的是手段的合理性的來源,這是哲學。
* It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. ——知道一些答案比全盤了解答案要好得多。
* Philosophy is a battle between two extremes, and its middle ground is called common sense. ——哲學是兩個極端之間的鬥爭,它的中間地帶被稱為常識。
* Philosophy is the love of wisdom, not the pursuit of power. ——哲學是對智慧的愛,而不是對權力的追求。
* It is easier to get forgiveness than permission. It is easier to imagine all the ways one might exist than to make sure they exist. –獲得諒解比獲得許可容易;想像一個人可能存在的方式比確保他們存在的方式要容易。——哲學的思考:面對現實世界的無儘可能,接受人類始終無法掌控一切,活在當下,勇往直前。