



1. The Ant and the Grasshopper:

一個炎熱的夏日,螞蟻在辛勤地工作,而蚱蜢卻在樹蔭下休息。當冬天來臨時,蚱蜢饑寒交迫,向螞蟻求救。螞蟻卻回答:“做好自己的事情,才能得到別人的幫助。”英文翻譯為:In a hot summer day, the ant worked hard, while the grasshopper rested under the tree shade. When winter came, the hungry and cold grasshopper begged for help from the ant. However, the ant replied, "Do your own work well, so that you can get help from others."

2. The Boy and the Wolf:

一個小男孩在森林裡玩耍時,遇到了一隻飢餓的狼。狼威脅說要吃掉他,小男孩急中生智,裝出害怕的樣子引狼靠近,然後猛地跳起來抓住狼的尾巴,把狼甩到了樹上。小男孩告訴狼,如果他表現得友好並離開森林,他就不會受到懲罰。狼信以為真,於是小男孩把他放了。英文翻譯為:A little boy was playing in the forest when a hungry wolf came across him. The wolf threatened to eat him, but the boy quickly came up with a plan. He pretended to be afraid and led the wolf closer, then suddenly jumped up and grabbed the wolf's tail, throwing him onto a tree. The boy told the wolf that if he behaved friendly and left the forest, he wouldn't be punished. The wolf believed him and was released.

3. The Goose that Lays Golden Eggs:

一隻母鵝每年都能下金蛋,它總是將第一個金蛋放在主人的門口。但是隨著金蛋的數量越來越多,主人開始貪心起來,他不滿足於只吃金蛋,而是想要將母鵝吃掉。最後他得到了什麼?是空的。英文翻譯為:There was a goose that laid golden eggs every year. It always placed the first golden egg at the door of its owner. However, as the number of golden eggs increased, the owner became greedy and wanted to eat the goose instead of just eating the golden eggs. In the end, what did he get? Nothing but an empty shell.

4. The Lion and the Mouse:

一隻小老鼠不小心掉進了一隻大野貓的洞裡,大野貓正在睡覺。小老鼠嚇得快要哭出來,這時一隻大獅子路過,看到小老鼠後想要幫助它。大野貓警告獅子不要自找麻煩,但獅子還是把小老鼠救了出來。小老鼠對獅子表示感謝,並說以後有機會一定會報答獅子的救命之恩。英文翻譯為:A little mouse不小心掉進了一隻大野貓的洞裡,大野貓正在睡覺。小老鼠嚇得快要哭出來,這時一隻大獅子路過,看到小老鼠後想要幫助它。大野貓警告獅子不要自找麻煩,但獅子還是把小老鼠救了出來。當小老鼠從洞裡出來時,它對獅子表示感謝,並說以後有機會一定會報答獅子的救命之恩。
