* 朋友,我們送到門口。 Friends, we'll see you out.
* 朋友,你的意見我完全贊同。 Your opinion is exactly what I would have said, my friend.
* 朋友,請別再喝了。 My friend, please stop drinking.
* 老朋友,這是你的一份。 An old friend, here's yours.
* 我向這位朋友致以問候。 I greet this friend.
* 我認為我們的朋友將會珍視這份友情。 I believe our friend will value this friendship.
* 親愛的朋友,我在乎你。 My dear friend, I care about you.
* 友誼之花在時間的澆灌下盛開不敗。 The flower of friendship blooms unfading with time.